ICI Services Continues NSWC Port Hueneme Missile Systems Engineering Support
February 20, 2018
Virginia Beach, VA – ICI Services Corporation announced today that it will continue to provide weapons systems engineering and technical services to the Naval Surface Weapons Center in Port Hueneme, California, as part of the team awarded the recompetition of a contract that the company has been performing as a prime contractor since December 2014. ICI Services is a key subcontractor to Precise Systems Inc. on this new, five-year, $19 million, small-business-set-aside contract and will perform engineering, technical documentation, training, testing and integrated logistics support.
ICI Services’ engineers and analysts provide Weapons Systems Integration and Fleet Interface engineering services for a variety of surface ship weapons systems, including the Standard Missile, the surface launched Tomahawk Cruise Missile, the Evolved SeaSparrow Missile and their related launch systems and canisters. The work is being performed within ICI Services’ Engineering Services Division led by Vice President and Division General Manager Ted Fredrick.
The effort includes overall operational support; test and evaluation planning and coordination; engineering and system installation support; combat systems technical documentation; weapons system facility planning; material management; computer system development and maintenance; lifecycle logistics support; software engineering and development; and training and educational support. Services are performed at Port Hueneme and numerous shore sites, land-based test facilities and shipyards and aboard ships in port and at sea for the US Navy, Coalition and Allied nations and foreign military sales customers. Among the ship classes supported are the TICONDEROGA Class Cruisers, ARLEIGH BURKE Class Destroyers, SAN ANTONIO Class Amphibious Ships, ZUMWALT Class Destroyers, all variants of the Littoral Combat Ship and several classes of foreign destroyers and frigates.
NSWC Port Hueneme is the Navy’s Weapon System Integration/Fleet Interface Agent and the In-Service Engineering Agent and Fleet Support Agent for surface ship combat and weapons systems, their launchers, canisters, associated equipment and the All Up Rounds they fire. ICI Services also provides combat systems modernization and logistics support to the Air Dominance Department and Integrated Ship Defense engineering, software, information assurance and logistics support to the Ship Defense and Expeditionary Warfare Department at NSWC Port Hueneme.
Headquartered in Virginia Beach, VA, ICI Services is an ISO 9001:2008 Certified, Employee-Owned Company formed in 1999 with the objective of providing quality and responsive professional services aligned to customers’ program support requirements. The company is achieving its vision and, today, the corporation’s more than 600 employees provide systems engineering and integration, test and evaluation, acquisition and life cycle logistics, information technology, and program support services nationwide to the United States Navy and Department of Homeland Security.