NSWC Port HuenemeAir Dominance Contract Award
September 20, 2013
Virginia Beach, VA – ICI Services Corporation announced today that it is a member of a Northrop Grumman Corporation team that has been awarded a $27 million, 3-year contract to provide engineering and logistics support to the Air Dominance Department (A-Department) at the Naval Surface Warfare Center in Port Hueneme, California.
The contract involves services needed to support the Department’s fleet modernization mission, including installation planning, change control, configuration management and status accounting, combat systems technical documentation, computer program and server maintenance, test event planning and execution, and modernization planning and execution.
Contract performance includes supporting Aegis Systems engineering and test and evaluation; Aegis Combat Systems Technical Operations Manual and Tactical Interoperability; combat systems alignment; systems engineering for reliability and maintainability; corrosion control engineering; navigation systems; electromagnetic interference and effects engineering; as well as support for Foreign Military Sales (FMS), Field Technical Services and Surface Combatants.
NSWC Port Hueneme is the designated In-Service Engineering Agent for the Aegis Combat System, which includes the Aegis Weapon System and other integrated weapons systems, as well as several non-Aegis combat systems and weapons systems.
ICI Services will provide Ballistic Missile Defense engineering and testing services as well as Combat Systems technical support to FMS vessels and at land-based test facilities. Work will be performed at a number of in-port and at-sea locations.
ICI Services is a mid-sized professional services company headquartered in Virginia Beach, VA. The corporation’s 475 employees provide engineering, test and evaluation, logistics, information technology, environmental, range and program support services to the United States Navy, Army and Department of Homeland Security nationwide from over 40 locations in 20 states.